Select this option with at least two controllers connected to get set up. It's a great way to help someone through a tricky part of a game, or to join your child in playing.

Effectively, two people are able to send inputs to a one-player game. It allows you to link a second controller, then play with someone as if only one controller was in use. Turn on Copilot is an interesting function.

This is convenient if you have multiple users on your Xbox, as turning on their controller will always lead to their profile. Here you can check for updates to your controller, as well as assign the controller to sign in a certain player. On the main Xbox Accessories page, select the three-dot menu to open some additional options. You can also disable vibration if you don't want it in any game. These let you swap the two control sticks, invert the Y axis globally, and swap the triggers.

Take a look at the checkboxes below on this page, too. Read more: How to Capture and Share Screenshots or Videos on Xbox Series X But you can change these, as well as setting one to Start/Stop recording if you prefer. By default, pressing Share will take a screenshot, and holding it will record what just happened. Important: Always install the software using the Setup program instead of installing the drivers directly.Of particular note are the Share button, hold and Share button, press options. To view your controller quadrant and battery status on the screen, press the Xbox Guide button. Each subsequent controller (up to four) connected to your computer is assigned an additional quadrant. When you connect a controller to your computer, it is assigned a specific quadrant that glows green to indicate the controller's number and position. If you followed the setup instructions on the installation CD, you should be ready to use your device. With this software and a compatible wireless receiver, you can use various Xbox 360 accessories such as wired and wireless game controllers, wired and wireless headsets, and wireless wheels for gaming on your computer. The accessory status indicator shows the battery status (for wireless devices) and the assigned quadrants of the connected controllers. Microsoft Xbox 360 Accessories software works with both wired and wireless game controllers.