Wu tang clan forever full album
Wu tang clan forever full album

wu tang clan forever full album

High expect­a­tions seems to have left some ‘fans’ cri­tiquing want­ing some­thing harder, nev­er­the­less these beats are clearly rooted from some­thing nur­tured in the 90’s and not of this era. There was sur­pris­ingly little word on the street about the release of, The Saga Con­tin­ues’ by Wu Tang, per­haps because it’s not per­ceived as a full clan album (miss­ing mem­bers GZA and U‑God) or maybe, just maybe it is that these men need no intro­duc­tion or hype. Cur­rent yet some­what nos­tal­gic, the intro to some tracks made me remin­isce on the begin­ning of older tracks as did some of the lines such as, ‘flee with the lot­tery’, I had an instant flash­back to ‘Tri­umph’! With sig­na­ture dark atmo­spher­ic Wu beats, sharp rhymes con­sist­ing of witty word­play and con­scious con­tent, inter­twined with vin­tage kung fu samples, mod­ern pop cul­ture ref­er­ences and socioeco­nom­ic com­ment­ary, it almost sounds like an audio revolu­tion.

Wu tang clan forever full album